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5 Tips For Learning How to Use a DSLR

A DSLR is an acronym for a digital single-lens reflex camera, which is a relatively new camera on the market that has combined the digital camera and the optics.

When you purchase your first DSLR it can be intimidating to know how to use all its features. So we’ve put together few useful tips to help get you started in using your new camera.

Shooting Modes

The first thing to get acquainted with when it comes to a new camera are the available shooting modes. The shooting modes determine what happens when you press the shutter to take a picture.

You’ll generally find shooting modes on the dial on the top of your camera, with letters written on it. This dial will always include, at the very minimum, these four letters — P, A (or AV), S (or TV), and M. There will also be a fifth mode entitled “Auto”.

If it’s your first time using a DSLR, we recommended setting your camera to “auto”, as this means the camera will utilize pre-set parameters and adjust settings like exposure, shutter speed and even aperture for you automatically.

As you master the camera you can start experimenting with other modes which give you more control.

Learn About Lighting and ISO

Light plays a crucial role in determining how your picture will look, and the ISO of a camera determines the camera sensitivity to light and the ability to capture it.

The ISO is measured as a numeric number, and you can adjust the settings to suit different lighting conditions. When in natural light conditions, like during the day, it’s advisable to use low ISO, and raise it to be higher in dark conditions.

But keep in mind that if too much light is captured, or you try and compensate for dark surroundings by changing to a high ISO, the image may appear grainy. “A high ISO such as ISO 1,600 will produce a brighter picture than a lower ISO such as ISO 100.” But increasing the ISO creates a lot more grain.

Learn About the Aperture

The aperture is a small set of blades in the lens that controls how much light will enter the camera. The blades create a octagonal shape that can be widened or closed down to a small hole.

This allows you to adjust the lighting, and still take a good picture even if the conditions are too bright. You’ll find that aperture sizes are measured by f-stops. A high f-stop like f-22 means that the aperture hole is quite small, and a low f-stop like f/3.5 means that the aperture is wide open.

If you shoot with the aperture wide open, then more light is allowed into the camera than if the aperture is closed down to only allow a tiny hole of light to enter the camera. The smaller the aperture, the more your subject will be in focus, where-as a wider hole will create a more shallow depth of field.

Shutter Speed

Along with ISO, and aperture, one of the three pillars of photography is Shutter Speed. This is the length of time your camera shutter is open, ie, how long your camera spends taking a photo.

Shutter speed is “responsible for changing the brightness of your photo, and creating dramatic effects by either freezing action or blurring motion.” And how quickly you take a photo will have a profound effect on how your images will appear.

When you have a slow shutter speed you achieve a blurry image effect, especially if your subject is in motion. If you’re aiming for a motion blur, or creating a sense of motion in a landscape shot (like a river or waterfall), this is when you would use a slow shutter.

However if you’re shooting a subject in motion and need a quick, focused shot, whether it’s wildlife, or adventure sports, you’ll need to use a much faster shutter.


Today the modern DSLR comes with autofocus, and with every new model, more advanced technology allows cameras to quickly pinpoint the subject you’re focusing on without missing the moment.

We recommend beginners start by utilizing the autofocus features, but after you become more experienced with the camera you can start experimenting with manual focus mode to get more precise control over your shots.

For certain shots, like macro (when you’re shooting something close up with a very shallow the depth of field), manual focus allows you to have complete control over exactly is in focus.

This is also beneficial in crowded settings, where you might want to focus on one specific subject, in low light, or if you’re trying to shoot “through” an object.

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7 Simple Tips To Keep Travel Stress And Anxiety At Bay

Travelling can be an exciting adventure, but for some people, the thought of leaving home and navigating unfamiliar places can be overwhelming. Even if you don’t have an anxiety attack, the hassles of travel can be stressful. The thought of insanely long lines, crowded trains, and anxiety over itineraries could lead to stress.

Encountering new cultures, navigating unfamiliar streets, and meeting strangers can be rewarding and revitalising. However, some of the perks that come with travelling to new places could be stressful and even most experienced travellers also experience the same.

Here are some general tips for dealing with travel anxiety:

Identify your fears

The first step in overcoming your travel anxiety is to identify the specific fears that are causing you distress. Are you afraid of flying? Are you worried about getting lost in an unfamiliar city? Once you identify your specific fears, you can start to develop strategies to manage them.

Plan ahead

Planning well in advance can help you feel more in control and prepared for your trip. Research your destination, book your tickets and accommodation, create a packing list and make a travel itinerary. The more you plan ahead, the less hassle you will face during your trip.

Practice relaxation techniques

When you feel anxious, practising relaxation techniques can help calm your nerves. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga can all help reduce stress and anxiety. Consider downloading a relaxation or mindfulness app to your phone to use during your travels.

Pack familiar items

Pack familiar items that can help you feel more at home while travelling. Whether it’s a favourite pillow or a familiar book, carrying comforting items with you can help reduce anxiety.

Set realistic expectations

Setting realistic expectations for your trip can help reduce anxiety. Recognise that travelling can be stressful, and not everything will go according to plan. Accepting this reality can help you stay calm and enjoy your trip despite any unexpected setbacks.

Talk to a professional

If your travel anxiety is severe, consider speaking to a mental health expert. They can help you develop coping strategies and provide support to help you overcome your fears.

Take small steps

Taking small steps can help you build confidence and overcome your travel anxiety. Start by taking short trips to nearby destinations, then gradually plan for longer and more challenging trips.

Remember to take things one step at a time, and seek professional help if needed. With a little patience and effort, you can make the most of your travel experiences and create unforgettable memories.

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9 tips for finding the perfect angle in iPhone photography

One of the most important things determining the quality of a photo is the angle from which it was taken. Even if you have a really interesting subject and you follow the most important composition guidelines, you still need to find that unique and interesting angle to really make your photo shine.

In this article I’m going to share my 9 best tips for finding the perfect angle so that your iPhone photos really stand out and look as great as they possibly can…

1. Move around to improve composition

Whenever you’re trying to pick the best angle for a photo, you should always think about balancing the composition, and the angle that you shoot from makes a huge difference for the horizontal and vertical balance of the photo. Let me show you what I mean with an example.

In this photo my subjects are the tree in the foreground and the mountain in the background. The photo is balanced horizontally as the two subjects are at the opposite sides of the frame. However, it’s not balanced vertically as there is nothing of interest in the top half of the frame, and all visual weight is concentrated at the bottom half of the frame.

Now let’s look at the same scene from a different angle. The next photo was shot from the same location with the iPhone positioned higher and the lens directed more towards the ground.

Here you can see pretty much the opposite – there’s nothing of interest at the bottom half of the frame, and all visual weight is concentrated at the top. It’s tempting to think that the best solution would be aligning both the tree and the mountain centrally, but then all visual weight would be in the middle, and the top and the bottom would then look empty.

However, I was able to balance this image by walking closer to the tree so that the shadow is also included in the composition. Now the tree takes up the top and central parts of the image, the mountain is in the central part, and the shadow fills up the bottom third of the image. I hope this example shows you how easy it can be to adjust composition by just moving around a little.

2. Shoot from the height of your subject

We look at the world from the height of our eyes, and thus it’s only natural to also take photos from the same height. However, in many photography situations – such as taking photos of children, pets or plants – shooting from the height of your eyes will almost always result in bad photos.

When photographing children and animals, you should take photos from their height and thus capture the world from their point of view. If you just shoot from the height of your own eyes, your subjects will literally look like they’ve been tossed on the ground.

3. Get close… and even closer

A great way to make your photos more intimate is to get closer to your subjects – even closer than you would feel comfortable. That way your photos can convey the kind of intimacy that is normally only found in real life.

4. Add perspective to your photos

When possible, try to choose an angle that will show perspective in your photos. There are a few different ways you can do this. If your subject is far away, one simple way to show perspective is to juxtapose it with larger-looking objects in the foreground as seen below.

If the view extends into the distance, you can show perspective by shooting from a higher angle as seen in the next photo. I took this photo from a staircase so that my main subject – the silhouette of a women – is situated against the street extending far into the background.

Another great way to show perspective is to get really low with your iPhone. That creates an exaggerated perspective by making the objects in the foreground look massive, which can be used to emphasize details on the ground level and make the image more immersive.

5. Include interesting reflections

An easy way to greatly improve your photos and make mundane scenes exciting is to include reflections in your photos. While you can find reflections on many different surfaces, water is perhaps the most obvious medium for interesting and unique reflections.

In general, I prefer to include both the actual subjects and their refections in the photo, and I like to make the reflections equally or more prominent than the other parts of the photo. Often the only way you can do this is by placing the lens of your iPhone just a little bit above the water. If the iPhone is even an inch higher, you probably won’t be able to frame the photo as needed.

Another great reason to place the iPhone within an inch above the water is that even the tiniest waves – which you can also create yourself – will look massive and distort the reflection, which of course also adds perspective to the photo. This is something you can only do with a smartphone since in traditional cameras the lens is placed much higher from the bottom of the camera.

6. Include shadows in the composition

Many photos can be greatly enhanced by also including shadows in the composition. This works particularly well if you shoot within the so-called golden hour, which is the hour before sunset (or after sunrise) when the shadows are longer and much more pronounced.

To make sure that the shadows fit in with the rest of the composition, treat them like you would treat any other photography subject. Quite often it means that your photos with shadows should be shot from the top with the ground taking up a large part of the composition.

7. Shoot from the hip

Shooting from hip height is one of the best ways to improve your street photos and other photos of people that are not portraits. By changing the angle like this you can make the photo more dynamic and interesting just because we normally don’t look at other people from that angle.

You could either get down on your knees to maintain full control over the process, or you can just lower your iPhone and literally shoot from the hip to add some randomness to your photos.

8. Tilt your photos for a more dynamic look

Who said you should always keep your iPhone straight and take perfectly horizontal photos? For some reason that’s exactly what we end up doing 99% of the time. However, there are situations when tilting the iPhone a little will result in a far more interesting and unique photos.

This is one of my favorite iPhone photos, and it’s made much more interesting by the subtle but perceptible tilting of the frame. Of course, the subjects couldn’t walk like this in real life, thus making this photo a bit surreal.

9. Always keep experimenting

You should always keep experimenting and looking for a unique and interesting angle for your photos. Don’t just take a photo the way you see the scene, try to change the angle and see how that changes the photo. Don’t just settle for the first version of what could be a great photo.

Maybe you want to get down on your knees, maybe you want to climb the nearby stairs and take the photo from there, or maybe you want to get closer to your subject. Always keep experimenting with unique shooting angles, and you won’t be disappointed with the results.

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Tips on How to Educate Your Kids while Traveling

Traveling can be a fantastic way to expand your child’s horizons, but it can also present challenges for their education. If you travel with kids education can become inconsistent for them, destabilizing their learning environment and routine. However, with some planning and creativity, you can ensure that your kids continue receiving a quality education while traveling.

Leverage online resources

One of the keys to successfully educating your kids while traveling is to incorporate online resources or book science, technology, engineering, and math classes for kids. Online courses are a flexible and convenient way to keep your child learning while on the road.

Brighterly is an excellent option for parents looking to provide their kids with quality math classes while traveling. On the Brighterly platform, kids can receive personalized instruction and practice exercises in various math topics. And the best part is that they don’t need to be in any specific location to enjoy the service, which makes the platform an excellent resource for traveling families.

Try activities that can fit into your travel plan

In addition to online resources, you can also incorporate educational activities into your travel itinerary. For example, you can visit historic sites and museums or participate in local cultural events and workshops. These activities can help reinforce what your child is learning in their online math classes and provide real-life examples of the concepts they are studying.

Create a study routine

Another key to educating your kids while traveling is to maintain a consistent schedule. Establishing a routine can help your child know what to expect from learning while on the road. Set aside designated times for school work and stick to a similar schedule. This timetable will keep your child’s education on track, even while you are on the road.

Invest in portable learning tools

Creating a routine won’t be effective without portable learning tools. So, invest in handy tools to keep your child’s learning uninterrupted, even when moving from place to place. For example, you can bring a portable whiteboard and markers for writing and drawing activities. You can also get educational games and puzzles that make learning enjoyable.

These portable tools include technology and gadgets. Many apps and devices can help your child learn while traveling. Start by downloading educational games and apps that reinforce what your child is learning in class. You can also bring a tablet or laptop which they can use to access educational websites, watch educational videos, or work on school projects. By incorporating technology into your child’s education while traveling, you can keep their learning and growth consistent and predictable.

Encourage journaling

Keeping a learning journal is another way to document your child’s educational experiences while traveling. Your child can write about the things they have learned, the places they have visited, and their thoughts and feelings about their travels. Journaling helps by reinforcing what children have learned and serves as a keepsake of their experiences. So, encourage your child to illustrate their journal with sketches, photos, and mementos from their travels.


Finally, let your child take breaks. Traveling can be stressful, so give your kids time to relax and recharge. Encourage them to read a book, draw, or sleep. These breaks can reduce stress and maintain focus throughout the day.


In conclusion, traveling with kids doesn’t have to mean a break from their education. Wise parents will borrow ideas from these tested approaches to educating kids while traveling. You can mix and modify them to suit your child and your travel situation. Once your kid continues to learn and grow while traveling, you’ve done your best.

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