
Effective ways you can stay on top of your health game while travelling

Travelling can be physically and mentally taxing, so taking care of your health is important

Travelling is all about taking a break from the monotony and soaking in the beauty and culture of a new place, and enjoying local delicacies. But, for many people, it might also mean missing out on their everyday diet and fitness regime — which can bring them back to square one on getting back. That is because it is only common to binge on junk foods on travels but do little to no exercise to burn the extra calories. But, what if we introduce you to some simple tweaks that can make your travels the perfect combination of fun and wellness?

In an Instagram video, nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar shared three tips that she herself follows while travelling to stay fit. “Whenever I am travelling, I take the opportunity to walk around and soak in the local culture. This gives you a better understanding of the areas as well as the food available,” she said.

She added that an easy trick to squeeze in some healthy workout is by performing five Surya Namaskars in the morning, which will make you set for the day. “You need no workout equipment for these yoga poses,” she continued.

Finally, she suggested eating rice for dinner to wash away all your food sins and compensate for the lack of healthy meals. “No matter where you travel, rice is readily available in all regions. Rice and Surya Namaskar are my go-to strategy on travel,” she concluded.

Shedding more light on the above-mentioned three tips, Dr Aditya Chowti, Senior Consultant- Internal Medicine, Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road, Bangalore said that while travelling can pose a challenge when it come to maintaining a regular exercise routine, there are several ways to stay active while on the go.

“One way is to choose hotels or accommodations that have a gym or pool where you can work out. Another option is to bring portable exercise equipment, such as resistance bands or a yoga mat, so you can work out in your hotel room or outside. You can also take advantage of local outdoor activities such as hiking or cycling to get some exercise while exploring your new location. Walking or jogging around your new surroundings can also be a great way to explore while also getting exercise,” he told

He added that carrying healthy snacks like fresh fruits and nuts can help one avoid unhealthy snacking. “When eating out, choose healthy options like grilled proteins and vegetables and avoid fast food and fried foods that can be high in calories and unhealthy fats. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary drinks can also help you maintain good health.”

Concluding, he said, “Travelling can be physically and mentally taxing, so taking care of your health is important. Allowing yourself time to rest and recharge rather than constantly being on the go can help you maintain overall wellbeing.”

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