
Health tips for travellers during Christmas

Keeping healthy during Christmas travel is one of the most essential things. Stay hydrated to fight dehydration, pack nutritious snacks, and make sure take ample sleep. Practice frequent hygiene, incorporate light exercises, and be mindful of your eating. Boost your immune system with a balanced diet and consider vitamin supplements. Manage stress through relaxation techniques. Safe travels and a Merry Christmas to all!

As Christmas approaches, merrymakers are preparing for festive travels. The joy of the season is absolutely amazing and infectious and it’s really crucial to take care of your and your loved ones’ health amidst the holiday travel. Whether you’re travelling abroad or going on a road trip, these health tips during Christmas travel will help you stay merry and healthy throughout your journey.

Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Keep hydrated: Hydration is the key! Travelling can be dehydrating as travellers mostly forget to drink water and it’s a fact. So make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after your journey. Carry a reusable water bottle and keep refilling it regularly.

Snack healthy: Avoid fast food and too sugary or salty snacks at any cost. Make sure you pack healthy snacks like nuts, seeds and fresh fruits to keep your tummy full during your travel. These are splendid on-the-go healthy and nutritious options.

Sleep: Travelling for festivals often hampers sleep patterns that can lead to irritation, tiredness and weakened immune systems. Therefore, make sure you take adequate rest (read sleep) before embarking on your journey. Maintain a sleep schedule throughout your travel.

Practice hygiene, carry sanitisers/masks: The railway stations, airports, and bus stops remain crowded during holiday season. These places are mostly unhygienic and full of germs so make sure you wash your hands frequently or keep them sanitised when washing isn’t possible. And COVID or no COVID, face mask is a must at these places!

Stay active: Long flights and car trips can lead to stiffness in the body, so make sure to practice your stretches and keep doing light exercises even while travelling. It will keep your blood flowing!

Mindful eating: Don’t overeat or eat just anything in the name of holiday because it’s easy to overindulge during the festival season. Mindful eating is essential during this time.

Carry supplements and essential medicines: Carry your vitamin supplements, especially vitamin C, to get away from germs! Also carry all your essential medicines if you have any chronic diseases, like blood pressure for diabetes.

The author: admin

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