
The Best Way to Pack for an Extended Trip

Living out of a suitcase isn’t exactly fun—but these tips will make it more manageable.

Whether you’re taking a long vacation away from the cold winter temps or your employer is sending you on an extended trip overseas, you need to pack and you need to do it smartly. Living out of your suitcase seems fun for a while, but it can get old fast. I once did it for four weeks and was miserable by the time I was about halfway through. Learn from me: These tips will ensure your experience is better than mine.

Pick three pairs of shoes and three pairs only

I am a Shoe Person. My apartment is full of shoes. They are a passion of mine, but that passion used to lead to back pain from schlepping a carry-on full of heels through the airport every time I went somewhere, to say nothing of the checked-bag fees that pained my wallet and my heart. Pragmatically, I started sticking to a three-shoe rule for every trip, which is also recommended by Travel Fashion Girl.

Think of where you’ll be going while you’re on your trip. If you’re going to a resort or beach, you need sandals, comfortable walking shoes, and one pair of dressier shoes for dinners. Business conference? Flats, heels, and sneakers. Visiting family over the holidays? Sneakers, boots, and dress shoes. You do not need more than three pairs of shoes for a trip, no matter how much you want to flex, unless you’re actually going to destinations that require very specific footwear. If that’s the case, ignore this, but focus on the other tips even more.

Use plastic bags for everything

When I travel, I pre-plan every single outfit and try to keep them all separate from each other using plastic bags or reusable bags. Having a baggy of clothes ready to go saves you time and stress in the hotel room. If you don’t have enough bags to stash each individual outfit, at least make sure you have enough for your shoes, so the dirty bottoms don’t touch the rest of your stuff. Keep an extra bag or two in your suitcase for dirty clothes and wet clothes, too.

Focus on basics

Pack basics and buildable wardrobe pieces to take the guesswork out of getting dressed when you’re far from your closet. You need black pants, jeans, plain tops, and a pair of nondescript shoes.

Before getting to your destination, look up where the nearest laundromat is or otherwise ensure you’ll have somewhere to wash your clothes so you don’t have to pack too many pieces. If all else fails, familiarize yourself with the process of hand-washing your clothes in the tub. I did this on a trip a few weeks ago and saved a considerable amount of money, suitcase space, and time, but be advised this works best when you’re traveling somewhere warm enough to air-dry your clothing.

Check the weather thoroughly

The weather can be unpredictable, but there’s really no excuse not to be as prepared as possible before getting to your destination. It will only aggravate you to have to buy a rain coat when you’re away knowing damn well you already have one back home.

Consider bringing weather-appropriate clothing you don’t care much about on the journey, wearing them one last time while you’re away and then donating them locally before you catch your flight out of there to save packing space on the way home and free up closet space in your house.

The author: admin

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